Coralian Task Bar In Among us! 2/10 or đźź©

I understand that there is already a guide, but this is more user-friendly in my opinion!
(I haven’t made an among us map, so bare with me!)
The ever growing list of among us topics yippee.
Sadly, we cannot really create a “Bar” But we can say how many tasks are left!.
First, think how many tasks the crew mates will have, I will use 15. Place a trigger that has these settings near the crew mates spawn point.

Ok! Now make this block code inside of the trigger! This is basically saying, if a player joins in, then it should add 15 more tasks to the task bar since they are a crewmate.
Place down a repeater and wire it to… hm…
Now, what can we use to display this number…
How about a game overlay! A game overlay is a device that can be used to display information from anywhere on the map! Place one down!
Place down a repeater, that should only stop when receiving on a channel! When the task occurs, make it transmit on channel “Update”
Place down a lifecycle, this can be used to detect events, such as when the game starts, wire it to the repeater!
Back to the overlay, make a block for when receiving on channel “Update” It should have this code:

Now, get a property device, make it a number, with a default value of 0! A property can be used to track changes, or in this case, store a number!

Now think, when a task ends, do you have a trigger or button that ends it? Whatever it may be, make it transmit on channel “Decrement Task#”
This will remove a task every time one is complete!
Place a trigger with these settings:

Finally, add this block code:
Now, add an end game device that ends the game when receiving on channel " Crewmate Win"
And Thats it! This is what the final project should look like!

(I refreshed the c0de Page, it was hard to cut it without cutting information, I apologize!)
And that’s that!
Coral out! Happy Halloween! :coral: :candy:


How do you get to the block coding


On the menu of the device, click on it, and on the side it should say blocks, click on one!


Thank you! (I’m out of hearts)


Here’s a guide that may help you understand it more!


Thank you, that sums it up.

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Thanks @ClicClac


Wrong mention. To your credit we do have the same color.


Ok, I do this each time, am I hallucinating or something?


Oh that’s what you’re talking about. Anyway, I like how you categorized the devices!

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One thing, the exceptions need to come before the concatenated stuff, so it doesn’t broadcast on an undesired channel. Also, you could check if tasks = 0 (crew wins), tasks = 1 (one task left), then tasks >1 (Task# Tasks left!) Other than that, amazing guide! My protege is exceptional as always!


Thanks, I also noticed that you need to actually have the property at a default if 1, and then check if it’s at 1 not 0, otherwise the game ends the second it starts no matter where the trigger is
(Still out of likes)


Just a thought: shouldn’t the tasks Property start at 15, since you can’t run a game with no people, and increase by 15n-15 tasks, where n is the number of people? Just a thought.


Wdym, if it starts at 15 people would have to do 15 extra tasks, because 0 people = 0 tasks,
And 1 person = 15 tasks?


Can you run a game with 0 people? Oh, I see your point. Just don’t add 15 tasks for some person.

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No, that’s my point


Yes! That’s why I made the max triggers setting 1 and it’s shared with a player scope!


If you have the host trigger a single use trigger at game start with a delay (so the game isn’t instantly won) that subtracts 15 tasks, it should work.

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I don’t understand, I get that at a default value of 0 the game is instantly won, but if it has a default value of 1, and it instead checks for the number 1 for crewmates to win, not 0, it should work, I tested this,
What do you mean @ClicClac