Cool Ways to Use Props [Dificulty ⬜ or 0/10]

That’s good commitment! It seems like a very interesting thing.

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Wow, I’m in school too, so the little scraps of time I have I edit my game. But 3 hours??? I’d never have enough time to do that.

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Yeah! I originally planned to add it to the ‘cool ways to decorate your custom bosses’ wiki, but sadly it’s closed and I couldn’t add it.

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Yes, that would’ve been cool…but it’s still awesome!

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To be honest, besides collab projects and sometimes my among-us map, I don’t spend to much time in GKC, because at this point, I can tell you what you need to do with something mostly by memory.


Should I add this:

I was planning on making a guide on underwater stuff but I guess the submarine fits too, I was just thinking it has too many things.


Lol me too, on help topics I just recite how to make stuff.

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Of course! THAT’S INSANE!!! OH MY GOD.

I don’t spend too much time working in it either, but the combined time is probably close to what I estimated.

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Yes, btw, I would love to read a guide on underwater things! That’s my type of thing!

Yes! Could I make a design based on that? It would be the owo ship.

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That looks awesome!! I love how you created a little window using… wait, what prop did you use for the front??

Tilted broken glass (just search up glass)
And yes, @WhereIsMyHat you can


Glass, what?

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That’s SMART!! Transparent props are hard to come across in GKC, so it’s cool that you came up with that!

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thanks! Yeah that was the only thing I could think of for the sub…
Imma add it now

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Well, I never would have thought of that. I can’t wait to see the guide.

How’s this look, eh?


That looks GREAT! Did you just make that???

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Oooooooh that’s AWESOME