Cool themes ideas for your maps (reply with more themes)

Thank you. :slight_smile:

lol no it is, but you can still stand on it

Could you make a short paragraph stating ideas you can do with this and how to make it? (I have school work I’m procrastinating on)

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okay here it is:

For this lava theme you can make volcano games, add a fire place in a RPG game, and a new biome for a gim to travel through

How to make:
first place A LOT of marble stone (dark) and then place some dark scraps every there and now, after that you can make lava out of red plastic, and fire from fire emojis

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Oh that was fast. Ima take pits and pieces of this and add it to the thing.


Aight, there should really be a lava terrain

I have really fast typing speed for some reasons lol

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Wait, what if you put colored barriers over grey water?
(Concept used straight from @Blizzy post)

I literally replied that to you in my topic.

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I personally like gray water better, though.

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Shoot sorry (stupid fish brain forgot to give credit)

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I made a game called “Medieval Marketplace” and it was just the medieval fair theme, but a marketplace and not a fair, and the medieval fair theme is a cool theme too!

Other stuff

Sadly I made the game before I saw this guide, so I didn’t technically use this guide. Great guide though!


Do you have a picture of said market place?

There are pics here: Ideas for my medieval marketplace map

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Could you show me a picture without the wires?

I can’t just remove the wires!

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I mean like go into the game then take a picture.

Oh… ok, i’ll do that

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Thanks :slight_smile:


(Footnote: The 1,000,000,000 money was for testing.)

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It’s just like the medieval fair theme

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