Cool themes ideas for your maps (reply with more themes)

yes I always do for when My brain finally figures out a great map idea

Ok make a small screen sized area on that map showcasing your American revolution theme map.

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This might be a good map a hunger games map will be really good

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But what theme would that be?

Just a suggestion: What if you change the color of the night effect to a more blueish or purplish hue?

idk if you’ll use this but you can make a firey place using red plastic, fire emojis, dark scraps, and marble stone


Could you make it more uniformed? (I cant tell what’s ground and what isn’tt)


you can also do like this fun tropical place I guess using purple grass and all types of trees (also don’t know if you’ll use this)

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its all ground

also, a forest, lol

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How have I not added this.


hahaha, lol

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With the lava one is it possible for you to make another picture?


pretty straightforward, lol

Like make another area showcasing the theme. (I’m starting to get it but other people who only glance at it might be confused)

This one is better. :slight_smile:

im standing on the terrain so it doesn’t look like walls here

Can’t believe i haven’t said what a good guide this is!

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wait the plastic isn’t lava?!? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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