Cool themes ideas for your maps (reply with more themes)


You could also add candles that players can activate using an item that lights their way or the forest for a specific amount of time.
(Using Game Overlays, Checkers and/or Item Granters and Coordinate Systems.
Maybe add some traps in the forest or some poisonous food, use water terrain and tint it brown-ish to make it look damp.
(Just a suggestion, if you don’t agree, it’s fine, it’s your map after all :slight_smile:)


noice ima try it it might look good for a haunted forest

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For the tree tint I got: R 80 G 8 B 94


That is pretty cool!

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The tree or the themes or both?

Amazing guide @Rusty.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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Nice guide!

Both are amazing!!!

Thank you :slight_smile: if you have any theme ideas don’t hesitate to tell me.

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If you have any theme ideas don’t hesitate to tell me.

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For the effect your using with the barrier you could give it a purplish tint.

American revolution is the one I think you should add

This guide is more about setting though. (where the story/game takes place)

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uuuuh… could you make a small little area on one of your maps showing this theme?

Time travel map? does that sound like a smart idea?

Could you make a small little area on one of your maps showing it to me via screenshot?

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wdym? by that. Im confused

Do you have a spare GIMKIT creative map?

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