How to make a Tank

its not a tree its an explosion


And there’s a j0in code in the picture…

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oops i forgot to hide that!

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i like yours too! lol


Thanks I think yours is better

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What kind of tank is that because if its of sherman descent Then your guide is copying This

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a normal tank (a broken one) i never even saw that before

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All tanks are normal?

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its supposed to be an ordinary no-name tank tank

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theres no such thing though

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this is actually the best tank art ive ever seen
even tho its probably an illegal move
for violence


just please! its an ordinary tank think of it what ever you whant

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pov you know nothing about tanks so you are trying to explain how it’s an ordinary tank
no offense that’s just what the situation sounds like(or looks like)

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But a tank is a tank It must have a name

It is a big piece of metal if not named or will be considered a sherman

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wdym its a big piece of metal
its several big pieces of metal and some other stuff like wires

I don’t think he needs a name for a tank.
When you want to say tank, @Gimkitsuggestor ,
Do you list the exact the tank down to the very last detail?
I think the tank looks fine, and the steps are really comprehensive.

@here naming tanks is normal. Maybe you don’t know it, but the military always names their tanks.


Yes, that’s fairly obvious, of course the military names their tanks.
This is Gimkit. Does he have to put a tank name in?
Um, I’m pretty sure if we’re gonna split hairs, technically Shermans have different subclasses, making the guide you guys are referencing technically incorrect on ground of lack of information, or at least factually incorrect.
Anyways, he’s just making a fun tank guide.


Nice tank, one quick rhetorical question: what is with all the tanks??