The string doesn’t have to be compressed within Gimkit, all I’m looking for is a way to encode the string so that it is shorter and able to fit. Because I only use 26 letters, I am using base 27, so something like base 64 might work, although I already tried and it isn’t short enough.
Does anyone know a method to shorten the string even more?
I’m sure there’s a way. I don’t really have enough experience in this area, as I mostly work with art and devices other than properties, but I doubt that there isn’t a way to do it.
Then use either PCPs, PIPs, or PTPs. Anything that can receive a signal, store a state, and broadcast according to that state can be used as a pseudo property.
All I’m asking for is a way to compress text, or fit it within gimkit if possible. It would take too long to convert all that 70k characters into counters. (I just realized that is 2x as long as my menu guide that reached max characters-)
Ok. You already stated that properties can’t store it, so you’ll have to delve into device shenanigans. I don’t know what else there is that you can do, unless there is a get text block in text (I don’t think there is).
Use the create text with block to combine multiple texts into one text, btw blocks text limit is 512 characters long, so you’ll be able to fit ~10,000 text with one block using the create text method.
(properties can store nearly a limitless amount with the set property function)
This is something I need to input manually (as it will take forever to put all that text if I don’t copy and paste it and I chunk it up). When I tried to enter text into the properties, it had a limit of 256, but using the set property function can store more? I think I might be able to try (though it still will be a pain to cut it apart into a billion pieces).
Yeah, it’s weird, but make sure the property isn’t TOO long or else it would put too much load on the servers. (I did some witchcraft in trying to make a prototype text cloner/deleter < the thing that the new update made convenient)