Complex RPG tasks

Hi Clicclac!

Idea No.1
Help WhoAmI fix the universe!

A dragon broke the universe with a time paradox, and now its up to you to help WhoAmI fix it up!

(you prob need WhoAmI’s permission, idk)

when you accept the quest you “teleport” to another dimension, which is really just a 25 room escape room that uses non-euclidean geometry. theme is space.
(tbh idk how to make non-euclidean geometry)

theres a game overlay ability called time travel, which uhhhh, travels back in time? i think every time you update a property or smth, you have to trigger a delayed trigger that stores the property/item in another property, and upon time travelling it resets ur stuff to the delayed trigger properties. prob uses a lot of memory

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Fun fact: I already made time travel in GKC. It takes about 6%. That’s an interesting idea!

Yes, that is what I’m asking. Maybe 3-5 endings so it doesn’t get too complex.

I’m wondering how? But anyways, time travel, I got some ideas.
The first part:

While traveling in the Gim-Space Sender B867 (I made that name up because it’s of no importance), you come to a planet of which is filled with some strange creatures who have superpowers beyond explanation. One can run super fast, and I mean faster than sound fast, then another who seems to be effortlessly flying and firing lasers form his eyes and hands. They seem to be fighting what looks like a Pink Evil Sentry from Earth (The player’s Earth, maybe a One Way Out refrence while you’re at it).
The Pink Evil Sentry is dressed in golden armor and has a helment of which glows with 7 stones. Then, you have to make a big decission because you notice one of the heros looking at you:

  • Go help him (1)
  • Ask them what’s going on (2)
  • Leave, game ends (3)

(1). You go to help him fight the sentry in an extremely well animated battle of which is the hardest battle that could be created. The game doesn’t end there because there are 2 outcomes of it:

  • You lose, game ends
  • You win, and continue to explore the universe (1,a)

(1,a) You continue fighting evil forces until they ask you to j0in them in solving the ailen wars, which means going in back in time to stop them, of which you can

  • J0in them (Golden Ending only if you’ve done (2,a) too)
  • Say no (Nothing happens)
  • Betray them (Fight all them in a big battle)

(2) Ask them what’s going on of which one of them gets mad at you and blast at you because she thinks you’re a threat:

  • Dodge, and attack them (You lose terribly)
  • Dodge fight purple guy (2,a)
  • Accept your fate and get hit by the attack, game ends

(2,a) You’re fighting the purple guy of which you get asked the same questions as (1).

(I hope this is what you wanted ClicClac.)

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You overestimate my animation abilities. This sounds like the main plot of a major game and not a side plot of a relatively small game (I might publish a demo so I can update it later), so I’ll let you keep it.


Ok ClicClac here I go with my lore writing skills/RPG experience.

Mission: Stop the war between Echo and Vortex.

JUNE 14, 2040

You are wandering around a city called GimCity, As you walk around you start to notice that the city is abandoned. Out of curiosity you walk into an old laboratory, and you trip over a cable and land in a time machine by accident, then you hear a noise. It gets louder each second, then a flash of purple light

JUNE 14 3025

You hop out the time machine and everything looks the same. When you return to your village, everything is gone… And you see Vortex flags everywhere (hinting the vortex won the war), so you go back to the time machine and go around GimCity collecting parts, after you figure out how to work the time machine, you travel back to 2020 to stop Vortex and Echo from fighting

JUNE 14 2020
After you do, you go back to the present (2040) and see that GimCity was filled with people.
You talk to the Vortex Leader and end the war after convincing him to stop.

JUNE 24 2040
You return to your village after taking the time machine again
And everyone lived happy and in unison for the rest of their lives.

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This is pretty good! However, this is like the main plot of a game and not a side quest like story. I’m starting to realize I didn’t explain this well… I have the main plot for my game! Could you come up with ocean based side quests to do?

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Ok, thanks. Give me a bit to write them, I have drained all my creative energy into the lore.

Here I go again

Mission: Find ClicClac’s Laptop (I know very creative)

Someone stole ClicClac’s Laptop and you have to find his laptop, You go around and ask people who stole it. You work with Detective Baka to find it, You pick up clues and footprints. You find the laptop and get it back before someone spoils his (ClicClac’s) games. ClicClac then rewards you with 500 cash for finding his laptop.

Okay, ocean based side quest coming up.

You meet a fisherman who wants 3 purple fish.
If you accept, you get the quest. (1)
If you decline, he gets mad at you.

  1. You can choose to go to the library (1a) or go fishing.(1b)

1b. You go fishing but can’t find any purple fish, you go back to (1).

1a. You head to the library and figure out that purple fish are extinct. You can choose to tell this to the fisherman (2a)or time travel to way before (2b).

2a. The fisherman gives you the bad ending

2b. You find a time machine, but it is broken. You must break into a highly guarded facility to find 5 electric bolts. If you get caught, (3a), if you make it out with all 5, (3b)

3a. You get sent to jail and have to redo the quest. Jail ending.

3b. You fix the time machine and head back in time. You go through a TON of traps. When you find a lake, you find sticks and rope to craft a fishing rod. You then fish and return to the time machine with 3 purple fish. You procced to get the golden ending.

That was a long essay to write.


This is really good! Thanks so much! I might take out the part about breaking into a facility to fix the time machine, [1] but other than that, this is really solid!

  1. You get access to the time machine after I would say 5 minutes after starting the game. ↩︎

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Maybe they ask you to get an idem, but a bad guy stole it so you have to fight them to get it.

idea 1 since I wasn’t here when this was posted
a guy wants [insert fish here] to cook for dinner you can

  1. buy it from the market (who even fishes these days?)
  2. actually go fishing
  3. raise a fish yourself to hand over

ping me and I can think of some more

ok thx

a quest idea is on trying to find a key, meant to get the person to a specific place, giving you an ending. There may be a file room, and lots of cabinets. If you open a cabinet, there is a random amount of files, but only one cabinet has the key. You have 2 minutes to find the key, if you don’t finish in time you get caught and another ending happens. There is a chance in one cabinet there is a trigger and you lose immediately.

Hope this helps!

Quest: get a cheeseburger for @ClicClac
Catch: Every cheeseburger place is out of stock and anyway, the stores are all out of cheese.
Ending 1: You find a cheese tree, take cheese, but find out it was someone else’s and need to give it back. You end up finding a cheese seed at a shop. You can : A:Grow it or B: sell it.
1a: Turns out it was a plum tree. A: sell the plums or B: give the plums to @ClicClac
Ending 1: 1aa: Nobody buys it. Plum ending.
Ending 2: 1ab @ClicClac gives them back. Fail.
1b: You sell it for a fishing rod, but you need bait. A: use the worms in your backyard or B:Use the rod by itself
1ba: You catch a salmon! A:Fish more! B: Sell the salmon!
1bab : You get $100 and use a time machine! A: Go to the future B: go to the past
Ending 3: 1baba: You find that the cheese burger shop has closed down. Go to the begnning. Closed Ending
1babb: You find a cheeseburger shop and buy a cheeseburger. A: Go back to when @ClicClac asked you for it or B: Go back to the time you were in before you left
Ending 4: 1babba : @ClicClac is confused and you eat it. Yummy ending.
Golden Ending: 1babbb: @ClicClac gives you 20 pieces of blue fish.
(going from 1b)
Ending 6: 1bb : You don’t get a single fish. Fishy ending
(going from 1ba)
Ending 7: 1baa: After you are done, @ClicClac already found a cheeseburger. Late ending.
This took 30 minutes to write.

Saving a City


Recently archaeologists unearthed a large beautiful blue gem. However, scientist Emma Kortez discovered that it was actually an egg for an evil blue dragon. It was being scheduled to go display at a local museum, who have sold several hundred dollars’ worth of tickets for people to see it early. To keep their money, they use their political power to silence Emma and keep the show going. Emma then comes to you for your help.


First the players have to find a ticket to get to the show. You can use multiple methods, I just added a list here:

  1. Bribe a guest into giving you one.
  2. Try to get one from Emma.
  3. Forge one.

Next, the players have to turn off the security measures. This requires 3 keycards. One to get into the Security Office and two that have to be flashed at the same time to turn off the measures. The Security Office keycard can be gotten by any security guard around. The two that have to be flashed at the same time come from The Chief of Security and The Museum Curator[1]. However, they can only choose to pursue one of them. When they get one card they can try to turn off the measures and fail.

Ending 1: Caught

They are caught trying to disable the cameras and are sent to jail. Now, they time travel.

With one security card in hand they can now go after the other target[2]. Once they get these cards they can scan them and shut down the security system. After this they rush to the egg and have to find 4 digit code. 1/2 comes from the Curator and the other 1/2 is hidden in the Curator’s office. After they get the 1st half of the code, they run out of time and the Dragon hatches.

Ending 2: Too Late

They were unable to get the code in time and was not able to stop the Dragon from hatching.

They Time Travel back and find the second 1/2 of the code and steal the egg. After they take it they have too loop all the way back through the museum where they are caught at the front doors by security guards.

Ending 3: Delayed

Delayed by the long travel distance and they guards, the dragon hatches. A maintenance guy that was standing by screams out of being scared and drops his keys.

If they grab the keys and then time travel, they can unlock a vent which is a quicker way out.

Ending 4: The Golden Ending

They can return the egg to Emma and she freezes the egg to stop it from hatching. They saved the city!

  1. One from each ↩︎

  2. Either Chief or Curator, whichever one they didn’t do before ↩︎

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You see a gim stuck in the ocean on a raft, surrounded by sharks with a days worth of food and water.
You, (1), choose to save him or ignore him.
Ignore: He doesn’t last and the sharks overturn his raft where he gets “eliminated.” “Careless Ending”

  1. You need to build a boat so you, (1b), go to the boat shop, or, (1a), decide to swim and not waste* time.
    *If there’s going to be a time machine then you can change that.

1a. You and the guy get eaten. “Double Whammy Ending”
1b. You go to the only boat shop in town but it’s insanely overpriced so you can, (2a), steal the boat at night, or, (2b), earn enough money to buy it. [2c. Make a shop owner NPC that you can only talk to when you are at this part of the quest and if you talk to him he will lend you the boat to save the person.]
2a. You have to go through a MAXIMUM security 2-room escape room [with 25% chance there is a security guard at the end to catch you] where you can, (3a), fail, or, (3b), succeed and move on with your quest.
2b. By the time you earn enough money the guy is eaten. “Poor Ending”
3a. Get caught by either a laser, camera, or sentry guard and be sent to jail for a minimum of 5 years. “Prisoner Ending”
3b or 2c. You have the boat but now you need to find a way to lure the sharks away from the gim. You can, (4a), attempt to rescue him now, or, (4b), find out how to make the sharks go away.
4a. You go out on your boat to rescue him but you find out he is injured from a shark bite from earlier so he can’t walk. You can, (5a), go back and find a different way or, (5b), try to carry him back on to your boat.
5b. You get on to the raft but due to the change in center of gravity the raft flips upside down and the sharks eat the Gim but you are close enough to your boat to escape their wrath. “Empty-Handed Ending”
4b or 5a. You end up doing some quick research and find out that you need to get lots of dead fish, (6a), or, (6b) get materials for an ESD.
6b. You search the whole town for conductive materials before you notice the sun starting to set and you check to see where the raft but only find some chipped driftwood… “Time Flies By When You’re Having Fun Ending”
6a. You go to the fishing cove and rent a cheap fishing rod. After catching 30 fish and making sure they “unalived”, you get on your boat but you feel like you’re forgetting something. You can, (7a), try to jog your memory quickly, or, (7b), go and rescue him once and for all.
7b. You throw the fish away from the raft for the sharks, try carrying the Gim on to your boat but the raft upturns. Thankfully you have life floats so the Gim doesn’t drown. You start the motor back up but you hear a rev and then it stalls. You check to see if it has enough gas and realize it’s empty. You both starve till you get ‘knocked out’.“Stranded Ending”
7a. After a few minutes you remember that you need some extra gas for getting back to land. Now that you have everything you need, you can finally save him. After 30 minutes, the rescue attempt proves successful. Turns out the Gim is a rich entrepreneur and he gives you [an item(s) that fits your game ClicClac]. “Golden Ending”

Hmm. Maybe @ClicClac I have an idea.

@ClicClac wants to get a diamond ring, maybe gold. You have to venture inside a castle, avoiding traps and tricks. There is a safe room on the second floor where there is a passcode, that you can get by finding a paper. You have to unlock the passcode, get the sword, leave without getting caught in about 10 minutes, and then rush off to send it to your friend bully. There is a 10 percent chance you get caught after leaving off, giving the ending [aftercatched] which is ending 1

Ending 2 is you fall and slip when you come in (10%) chance, giving the ending, [slow not steady]

Ending three is if you get caught by the lasers in the main floor(Lazers are relatively invisible, but should be seeable. [lazerdeth]

Ending 4 is if you get your key back in time and you get it to Billy. The [winkeyy]

Ending 5 is when you enter a room, there is a bunch of sentries and you get knocked out. [Oopesses]

Ending 6 is if you run out of time trying to get it. I recommend putting a zone to instakill and instalose the player. this one I’ll call it [youranoutoftimebequicker]

And the last ending is if you go and find food, get distracted, and then get caught. This one I’ll call [glutonie]

You can choose however many as you want! I hope this helps (pls don’t criticize) ur welcome!

The Rift:

You found an abandoned laboratory in the middle of… somewhere (will be hidden in the game). Inside are a few notes from “Professor Y.” about attempting to power a quantum rift using heavy shards, gimberries, and other materials. This is where your quest begins…

Part A: Gathering Materials

You are instructed to find 3 golden keycards, 5 gimberries, 50 heavy shards, and 7 purple keycards. The golden keycards are hidden in the laboratory, and should be pretty easy to find. The Gimberries can be found by chopping down trees in a nearby forest. The trees can give Gimberries, Heavy Shards, and Purple Keycards.

After you have gathered the materials, you will be given the option to power the quantum rift. Before that though, you’ll be given some lore about how “Professor I.” assisted Professor Y. on powering the quantum rift and none of them were seen again.

Part B: The Land of the Rift

Spacetime and whatever else doesn’t really work in this place. Strange sentries attack you, yet you are armed with a quantum portal and it does you well. You follow a path down and then you meet a sentry who needs a translator. If you look a bit you’ll find one, and you’ll give it to the sentry.

Sentry: “Who…are you?”
You: “I’m [Triggering Player’s Name]”
Sentry: “I’m… reporting you to the Chieftan. He won’t be happy about this.”

BOSS BATTLE! This boss is pretty hard. The Chieftan has 4 guards, and this is turn based combat.

The boss has 150 health.

  • Destroying Wave: Deals 10 - 25 damage to the player.
  • Laser attack: Hits the enemy up to 4 times, dealing 10, 15, 20, and then 25 damage. Has a 75% chance for 10 damage, 50% chance for 15 damage, 30% chance for 20 damage, and a 10% chance to deal 10 damage.
  • The summoning: Summons one 2 guards in front and at the back of him.
  • Support Banner: This attack can only be used once during the battle, and has a very low chance of being used. This increases the Chieftan’s attack by 25%, heals him for 15 - 25% of his max HP, and increases his guards’ damage by 30%.


  • 25 Health.
  • Has a 30% chance to deal 4 damage to the player every turn.


100 health.

  • Heal: Can heal themself 6 - 12% of their max HP. Can only use this 7 times.
  • Deal Damage: Does 10 - 25 Damage.

After defeating the boss, he claims that you are far stronger than you look. If you explore the land of the rift enough, you’ll find a note saying that Professor Y. has left hidden documents to whoever who finds this message. Excitedly, you leave the rift.

The notes in the lab say that the “Gray World” is the place you’ll need to go next. How do you get there? Beats me. That’s all I can think of, and if you want to add more to this, you can.

The beast

You find a strange basement in a lab. The workers there tell you to stay out. But you get curious. You can (a.) go down, or (b.) Stay out.


You don’t go. Scared ending.


As you decend, a worker calls out “The basement door is open!” then locks it. You are trapped. You can choose to panic (c.), or keep going into the dark room. (d.)


You start loudly banging on the door. But, the beast hears you before you get rescued…


As you enter, you figure out this is a sort-of maze. You start walking in one direction, but your heart starts pounding. As you walk away, it pounds less. There is a red glow in that direction. You can choose to go to it, or go the other way.

If you go to it:

Your heart starts pounding, as you get closer, you can make out music, then the red glow fades, but as you turn the corner, you see the beast, it’s glowing. You then realize if you went the other way, you would have run into the beast as it turned the corner. If you follow the beast (1.), or if you backtrack. (2.)

2. and if you go the other way:

You encounter the beast, it starts a chase through a narrow hallway. You see a glowing object. If you stop to pick it up, (3.), if you keep running, (4.)


You stop to pick it up, you just manage to pick it up as the beast arrives, but is scared by it’s light and runs. Then, the light flashes out. See (stealth).


The beast is catching up. It then catches you.


The beast decides to turn around, and sees you. You get caught.


You must navigate the maze while avoiding the beast.

Use this guide:

If you escape, go to (gold), if you are caught, go to (caught).

When you are caught.

The beast shoves you in a box, forever. You go through a minigame to see if you can manage to time travel to a random point before you got caught in the quest. (All prevous sections.)


The golden ending, you escaped, and with the golden berry. But, the berry is a magic artifact, so you time travel to put it back, because a worker says bad things will happen if you don’t.

Secret ending

If you don’t put it back, and hide it somewhere, the world ends. (Game over, or something else.)