Clean Cutscene Transition | 1/10

With the New Camera Point We can now put Cutscenes into the third person, an Example if you have played Roblox Doors, The Cutscene when seeks comes out of ground it transitions to him crawling out (Third Person) then the Camera comes back to you (The First Person)

Firstly Your going to need As Many Camera Points and triggers that you want Remember You must have the same amount of triggers as camera points you have chosen

Ignore the wires just for Right now

Now You need to get a zone and connect it to the first trigger thats on the left side of the screen,

Now connect That trigger to the first trigger

And copy that through all the triggers you have

Now Get your Camera points and align them as best as you can with your triggers.
Then for each trigger connect each camera point to their designated trigger, and have them set to

once you got that complete, Every 2 triggers, do the same thing but then connect your trigger to another camera point next to it
Set the Camera point on the left to

And Then just copy this process the whole way through
on your last trigger you only have to use 1 wire

Now If I Told you Correctly, you should be able to step on the zone and your screen will
move quite cleanly in the direction you made your cutscene go in. and during the cutscene, when its over you should be put back in your normal camera view

My First Guide Made In quite a long time that has effort put into it
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Hope you Enjoy, Stay On topic… Thank you


nice guide, you should try to put in a video of the finished product in action!

School Computers arent Quite nice of that stuff but hey Lemme try something rq

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how’d you get multiple cam points to work?

you mean these?

yeah those are cam points

Uh I just had them activate with a trigger

I think that’s not a bug everyone is having. It works for me as well.

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I dont know what time it is type of BUMP

my school computer is literally better than the one I use at home

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Thats where all our tax money is going huh… :thinking: Fascinating

this is so helpful

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How was I the first like on this?

idk :man_shrugging:

people just are picky on what they heart it seems


time to make level previews >:3

wdym by that kat?

when someone completes a level, it shows an overview/ preview of what the level looks like
(in my game)

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oh cool
