Seeing how a lot of people have made these kinds of guides around the forum, and how I haven’t posted a guide in a hot minute, I figured it’d be fun to make one myself!
Record Corner
Does your map have a music store? Do you just really enjoy listening to music? Either way, this is a neat little build you could create!
There are plenty of ways you could go with this, but the actual record player uses 5 ceramic plates, 2 cutting boards, and a stone roller. You could even make your own little album cover using a barrier and some text signs or small props!
Retro TV
If you’re making an old-timey map, or just want a TV that looks cool, you might want to consider adding this to your map!
It uses a storage container, a ceramic plate, 2 metal poles, 2 basketballs, a barrier, a medium snow pile, and a cutting board.
Whether your map has a gym, or the inhabitants of it just really like to work out, there’s no better way than with a treadmill!
Using a command table, 2 metal poles, 2 stone barriers, and a blackboard, you can make sure your players will stay in shape!
This build is a great way to stay squeaky clean!
Although it may look complicated, a lot of it is just trash… space trash, that is! It uses a rock, a metal pole, 5 space trash, 2 metal signs, 1 marble sign for a backdrop, 3 black board legs, 1 chemical tubes set, and 3 blackboards.
Cat And Mouse
Need something to keep those pesky varmints out of your map? A cat is just the thing!
The cat consists of 7 hay piles (that’s a hairy cat!), 4 ceramic plates, 4 [blackboard] legs, 2 alient plants, and 1 dirt prop.
The mouse is 3 rocks, 1 ceramic plate, 1 blackboard leg, 1 basketball, and a cheese plate to eat.
I hope you guys enjoy this fun little compilation of builds!! Maybe I’ll make another in the future?
- Record Corner
- Retro TV
- Treadmill
- Shower/Bath
- Cat & Mouse