Charm Situation Hollow Knight

what are you using for the nail

maybe he could use a zapper because the zapper rarity effects its range

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for the glowing womb you can use the knight armor in props and put a sentry to your liking under it

Can you send me a link to one?

I’m still working on this system. For changing the amount there will be a Property called Soul Multiplier and based on which charms/abilities you have your Soul Markiplier will change. When it grants soul it will run it through the multiplier.

@jelloboss The problem with this is that the knightlings follow you around and there are 4 of them

See if this works.

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I’m either going to wait until the pickaxe comes out (if it does) or use a zapper like how SR-71Blackbird

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what if you just click a button to where you can sommon them any time like before o boss fight it would let you soummon the (btw there is a link in my bio that will help )

I am open to test anything on my testing map, just ping me

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If my map was really big this would be harder right?
Because of the zone limit?

Hmmmmm. That might work.


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Shape of Unn is possible, just have the overlay turn on a repeater linked to a health granter and then turn it off once not enough soul (u need a checker, and when repeater runs task check if amount of soul is met, if so item granter with negative that amount, then to a health granter (or if its heal over time repeater to health granter)

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Yes. The bigger the map, the worse making a coordinate system gets.


this sould be easy just make it to where when you buy the item channel it to where sentry drop more of the item you are using (I will rickrole you again)

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tell me if this work also what are you using for the soul situation

also do you have a dash mechanic yet
does a heart mean yes (pls explain)

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@jelloboss I’m not sure yet (still working on a system) because you have to get soul every time you HIT an en-emy, not just ki-ll them. I’ll take any suggestions though

also, hi jelloboss, how are you?

I’m great @SR-71Blackbird and for @harharharhar83 you should use the energy thing for your soul container cuz !st it kinda looks like it 2nd I might have a sulution for your soul problem what if you made the ene-my very weak but each time you kil-l it another would spawn in its place so its like you hit it for soul/energy