Cant figure out the basket-ball animation

please help it just jumps under basket its too fast

Do you have it already made and you need help figuring out why its not working?

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yes i am very confused

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if it is going too fast, either have a longer delay between frames, or make more frames.


and frames are…? cause im inexpierienced

frames are every time the basketball moves to a different position

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wat device?? dsfwesds

What are you using to move the ball?
(triggers, wire repeaters, ect.)

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you could use either wire repeaters if you are using wires, or triggers for everything else for the delays

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both, but it is just moving from one place to the other, not making the full shot

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Do you want me to j0in the game and troubleshoot?

If so,

yes, and heres wat it looks like
Screenshot 2024-01-18 11.39.53 AM


did it. eeweeweweweee

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iiiim baaaaaaa-aaack!

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I suggest taking the shadows off of the basketballs that are int the shot, it makes it look wierd.

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im back pls help pls help

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mmmmback clome help me

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Wait, the animation is too fast?


i think… pls help lkjhg

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Hold, on, here’s an easier way.
Start off with you button, right? Then wire it to the basketball, to show prop. Then, wire each basketball to it’s own wire repeater with a delay (the more delay, the slower but less realistic it is), then wired to the next one to show, as well as the previous basketball to disappear.

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