Can you make a zone deal damage?

I saw one of the TL3s saying something about an instakill zone, is it possible to set the zone to deal damage when you enter it? Or better, to set a repeater to deal damage when you are in the zone?

Nope that is not possible currently. You will need to use this guide: How to make a "moving" poison fog [🟨]

When enter zone (zone) → respawn player (respawn)

Yeah it can only instant kill not slow damage, make it to whena player enters the zone, it will repond the player. Also i would recomend using the guide @raeB gave you.

Or use pseudo-health

You might want to give a guide on who to do that.

I might make it later

there is not a guide on it already?

Theres not, I just checked

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oh weird you would have thought @getrithekd or @Blackhole927 has not made that already.

I gonna make it later today

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There’s a breath meter guide by Clicclac.


Try a laser. Player leaves zone → Actvate laser


How to make a breath metre :yellow_square:

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If only we had a damage modifier or a NEGATIVE HEALTH GRANTER, that would help.


You could use a lot of lasers


Yeah that’s what i’ve been asking for.

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Yh that’s the only solution but nobody wants to make a lot of lasers


I feel like this is a very frequenty asked question, why is that?

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What, the zone or the lasers? Because a lot of times you need something less than 24 damage from a snowball, and also if you wanted a poison/health drain, you would need a lot of health to do it with sentries. I tried and it really just didn’t work. Also I tried with a single laser and a teleporter that moves you into a zone where the speed is zero so you can’t run away and you have to get hit, but then once you get out you only had like 5 seconds to play before you got teleported back to get hit again. I feel like the negative health granter is a necessity for that kind of stuff, I’ve even seen some other people mention it on the Forum before.

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