Can you make a character jump?

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This is not possible yet, but gimkit is coming out with a gamemode that includes jumping.

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In the vertical-view modes, jumping is not currently possible.

However, if you want to simulate it:


Not yet! Hey, @Badkarma , be sure to mark a solution!


No not in the normal 2D modes that you are thinking or, but the new mode, “Don’t Look Down” you can. It should release in the next week, or possibly today. And just like @twofoursixeight said,

You can simulate jumping with the guide below;


Please don’t make a help post with the question in the title and nothing in the body!


Yes, there is no system for jumping but gimkit is releasing a new gamemode with jumping. Hope this helped :saluting_face:

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I don’t think this is possible in Gimkit yet, but there is a new game mode going to be released by the end of this week (I think). However, like how Capture the Flag took a long time to come in Gimkit Creative after the game mode, it will probably be a few months before jumping is possible in Gimkit Creative.

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Welcome to the community @Brmx8888! But I beg to differ with you, the jumping ablity has been show in a video on the discord, as well and double jump and wall climbing. And Josh already said the jumping will not be added to 2D modes. So I don’t beleive that jumping will come out to 2D, and 2D is the style that Gimkit creative is, unless they add a mode selection. And only in the new mode, “Don’t Look Down” can you do those features. And yes as of right now it is not possible.

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Welcome to the forum, @Brmx8888 !!

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Welcome to the forums, @Brmx8888!!!

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No, this is not possible yet. Mark a solution to avoid clutter!

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We have already provided a solution for this issue. Please mark the solution that worked for you to close this topic.


I belive @Badkarma is off-line right now.

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yea probably

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