Can you help me with Apollo2 GKC platformer

Also do you have any idea to help me.

Yes, I know that. That’s why I’m surprised that you said only Apollo.

Well, are you going for Apollo’s style with pixel art, or a real way with the default gim?

Of course, you could always wait for the update.

Yeah I’m doing it pixel art but why did you say I was new. @wingwave

Oh whoops, wrong post. Let me find something that may help.

This might help.

just wait for the update.


Just a guide

yeah, but you need a guide to help you make a guide?

I’m asking for the mechanics on how to even make it. @GimSolver

Here, I typed up this explanation of how it works a while ago.

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Is that all? @Blackhole927

Yeah, that should be all I believe.

Okay thanks! @Blackhole927

Yeah, there are a few things off with that. Also, my design could be improved now that text operations have been added.

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Okay thanks @Apoll02

Such are the disadvantages of not actually having any real facts about how you made it lol
Sorry about that :frowning:

(My entire explanation of it is based on how I would build it, staying within the constraints of things I observed about the platformer)

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No, that’s completely fine. Nobody else even tried lol

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I should probably note the main difference is the lack of a coordinate system.

Okay :smiley: @Apoll02 you should

Should what?