Can we make custom skins? (already possible)

I want to see if we can make custom skins. It would be a really cool feature for either rewards or creative.
So, I’ll just take a poll to see if we think it’s possible:

  • Yes! Nothing is impossible!
  • Maybe we could do this . . .
  • No. Not possible.
0 voters

Short answer no.

Long answer?

Yeah, this might help.


Thanks. I’ll check it out.

Using the method above, yes. But this is still off-topic and not needed.


I think I have already asked this question and it’s only through changing gimkits code that you can create custom skins. So it wouldn’t be official

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Actually believe it or not I’ve thought about this idea before. And I think it’s possible because you could make a camera view that’s spectating a sentry (that turned into an NPC) that has the skin that you want and you just ask the player they want to go and you activate a sentry over there and teleport the player over there too. This way would work but only in certain types of games. I’m going to try and experiment with this and hopefully come up with something and make a guide about it.