Can someone send me or create a link with all the information?

What do you mean by flag? like the prop flags or a custom flag?

For Capture the flag.

If you are talking about the flag color, you change it in the device settings

You use poles tinted and make a > on one side and straight on this side and then add a metal pole.

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A THEMEE!!! Help me with Survival Island Capture the Flag.

OK, calm down, what themes are you looking at?

Survival Island.

Do like a “survive for this amount of time”, or “collect this and you can do this” just to throw some Ideas

I am working on my lost rooms map while I am doing this :pensive:

Just art. Need art.

Im trying now to make some art for it…

Maybe do campgrounds for the spawn and checkpoints

Something like this in larger scale and have you animation hop (ill give example) across metal scraps to get to enemy flag and take it?

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Jumping between islands animation
This is mini-version of a island map you could make. Does this help?

Sorta? It’s only capture the flag one way. The other team has to tag them to get more flags. It’s kinda like cat and mouse.

how about the art/map is that part good (and or the possibility of going between multiple islands)?

Wait, so it’s tag domination AND CTF???


unfortunately, the guides in the tag-domination tag are the only guides we can give you. remember to mark a solution @StacheIsTaken.

Yeah, I already figured it out by myself with credit to @Legobuilder .


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