Can someone make me a thumbnail? (Among Us) Poll

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it is a meme bro?.??

No, that is just what people think about when they think about men in their 30s so it’s stereotypical. (No offense to those who are in their 30s, it’s just dumb stuff kids do)

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im bad at art

Screenshot 2024-04-04 9.49.00 AM

oh c’mon, You are really good at drawing, moreover, 6 people who say you aren’t good at art don’t decide if you are good at art…


Ay you got regular?


I said I don’t want to be mentioned, not that I am not an artist. I’m done arguing too.

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I didn’t vote on the poll because it’s too hard to decide

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Don’t get me wrong I like your but I would like a online version and it is harder to see yours in the dim light

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Welcome to the forums, @A-Random-Guy !
Who are you talking to?

I’m talking to the creator ,chrysostom

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First of all i am not the creatorof this post, crimson_knight is. also I am not good at drawing on computers, but I can start trying, finally, WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!!


I’ve seen your work on paper, I think you would be amazing on a tablet!
@A-Random-Guy welcome! hope you enjoy your time here and I’m looking forward to seeing you around.

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Yeah, I feel like drawing on paper is much better than drawing on a computer. And also yes I am the creator of this topic.

Btw both thumbnails are very good

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the vote is a tie btw edit; not a tie anymore

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When does voting end

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It ends Tomorrow

Poll ends today!!!

I would end it now but you guys are at a tie!!! So I can’t do that. (I will close it in the afternoon when I get back from school)

Ok i broke the tie!!!

its a tie again edit: not a tie