Can someone help (and/or) associate me to fix my solo or fellow game?

Ty, but already know. lol

if you’re only making a post for people to go to the WIX then there is no point for this

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Oh, no. I can’t right now. :cry:

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Well i was going to explain, what i have in mind is complicated.

Complicated is my fun here. Explain away.

Let me elaborate: i need help with my starting and the overall features in the game.

By starting features, what do you mean?


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How to make it so if you wanna team a certain amount of people have to press the button, if solo it just starts the game and if you want me to explain the feature problem just ask.

Lol most of us are at school lol.

And how to stop the counter if certain amount of people reached

If there’s specific features you need help with, either reflect that in the title or the original post. If you don’t, people that want to help will have to go on a whole manhunt through the posts to understand what you need help with :frowning:


Well get a live player counter and make it update a property, get a trigger that triggers on game start and make the block code see if the property equals 1 if so make it broadcast on a channel to start the game. And make it so if the property is more than 1 it activates a button (That is connected to a counter) Make the counter update a property and either make another trigger with block code, or use the same one. Make it check if the player property equals the button property and make it start the game. Oh and when it equal the property make it deactivate the button.


Yep, just a sec (I’m in class)


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SOrrr for the late reply, goguardian (*shivers)
Follow this guide for the live player counter:

First step

Then just get a property and name it something like “Live PLayers” and make the counter update the property:
Screenshot 2024-04-18 2.21.34 PM

Second Step

Get a button,(Not activated on start) a second counter, and a second property (Name it “Button Pressed” or something) Make the counter update the property, and wire the button to the counter.

Step 3

So now, we have to do the block #the hard part.
Get a trigger and wire a lifecycle to the trigger (Make the trigger keep on repeating itself) .

Now go to the blocks and make them:
Screenshot 2024-04-18 2.58.40 PM
And you should be done

what go into what? (for the bloacks)

In the trigger settings on the left side there will be something called blocks, click on that and make it when triggered

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