Button: Visibility Issue


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Also kinda off-topic but because I have a draft open I can’t make another post. Can regulars turn other guides to wikis?

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No only our own posts
I could make one for you @Anonymous


Sure, thanks!

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Ok I will make it you can and copy-paste or write what you want in it!

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what does that do?


Whenever this text device receives “Click”, it’ll check whether the current highest cash is less than the clicker’s cash. If so, it changes its text to display the new clicker of the day and changes the highest cash to the new clicker of the day’s cash.

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Set it to be invisible and deactivated, next, put a checker or lifecycle down to set when you want it visible, then connect a relay to the checker/lifecycle and set the relay to activate the button and make it visible. Also, thanks for helping me before with some of my previous questions @StacheIsTaken! :slightly_smiling_face: Another thing, nice trip trop. I used to play prodigy too, but I quit a year ago because I didn’t like the new updates.

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just hide and show these

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I’ll test it when my test is done. I assume it works tho.[quote=“Anonymous, post:48, topic:31198, full:true”]
Whenever this text device receives “Click”, it’ll check whether the current highest cash is less than the clicker’s cash. If so, it changes its text to display the new clicker of the day and changes the highest cash to the new clicker of the day’s cash.


As for your general issue, I think the only solution is Foxy’s. Other solutions that use non-customized buttons don’t remove collision; also, as you said, it’s hard for anything to blend in with the grass.

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what’s wrong with @Cellofive’s solution?


A barrier with the exact color of the grass over the barrier.

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I just decided to use what @Cellofive said and use 1 button with blockcode.


Ok then.

I just had another question and I´ve received a response but I´m yet to test it.


What is your question?

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Where/what is the question?

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I mean, the barrier is hard to blend ig? Also the button can still be collided with.

Sorry I couldn’t respond, I had school!

but it’s already been answered.