Bug with multiple movement meters

So I try to make two movement meters. One has the tracked item as an item that is completely unobtainable, however, it sets your speed to 1.50x when you run out of it. I also have another movement meters for energy, but when I activate the 1.50x movement meters, it shows the moving animation and my trail appears, but I don’t move. Gimkit, please fix, or add a way to increase player speed.


did you ever try the speed modifier device???

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I think movement meters stop you no matter what, but not sure.

for now, just use speed modifier like Here_to_help said and the energy movement meter
i dont think more than one movement meters work well together

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In one of my earlier game designs I had two and it never worked quite right, which is why I changed it

There are two things that sounded off when I read this, but correct me if I 'm wrong.

  1. Two movement meters don’t work at the same time; only one. I know this from experience.
  2. Do you have energy when you tried this?
    Also 3. I might have read this situation wrong, and you were just trying to increase player speed by default, in which case, probably do what @Here_to_help said to do with the speed modifier device.
    Hope this helps!, anonyminx

you need to only have one meter for it to work
and use the speed modifier

Please don’t necropost
Necroposting = replying to a help topic that was already resolved. Doing so clutters the forums
Bumping = replying to a useful guide that people want/need to see.

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Hey anonyminx, welcome to the forums!

PLEASE note that this topic was made OVER A YEAR AGO (crazy bump), and the user who made such post hasn’t been active since June 2023.

When responding to a topic, be sure to check the date of the last reply. Unless it’s in Community Made Guides , such a topic SHOULDN’T be bumped.

I’m just going to ping @Blackhole927 so he can close this before other people bump it as well.


welcome to the forums!

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