First I have not done Art tab before so tell me if I am doing something wrong. Secondly this game will not be coming out soon. (Probably like when school starts.) anyways requirements below ⮟
here is a really really bad sketch you can base off of:
Firstly, you totally tried clicking on the first one! second requirements:
I want like it to have the four board games on it, Risk, Monopoly, Battleship with a mountain in the middle.
I want for risk the gims playing it to be like warry characters: captain buck, sirath, King gimkick.
for battleship I want detective baka, the broker, and the ref scolding the broker for cheating.
for monopoly: stache, pink stache, brown stache.
Sorry if this is to much for a thumbnail, but could you try to get all the people. and then I want you walking up to the camera or somewhere just take it main and visible. The character should be sketch so it can be blank.
the game name is I think “Board Games”.
and can you add created by StealthKnight (or stealthK it fits better) but then put your name. remember you have a LONG time to finish this, I don’t care about speed, I want quality. Ping me for an issues and I should come. Good- no GREAT thumbnail making!
uh ok there is a 50/50 chance of me ding this I’m SUPER tired and I already have another thumbnail to work on so if I don’t make it it time u know why
I’ve been drawing a lot here’s my work ------------->my art
Ok, You have like a month or two so you don’t have to put this first priority, I know there are a lot of thumbnail requests and very little amount of good thumbnail makers.
Oki dokey! But can I use my own sketch? And put the gims anywhere on the setting? Like anything my gims api want for them to do, but playing board games only? :3
(Well that sounded like a 10 yr old)