Block isn't going in

I was making typewriter text and I wanted it to stop on two letters, but you can’t put text in a logic block. ClicClac told me to make the text a varible, and the varibles went in the logic block, but the logic block (“Or” block) wouldn’t go into the “equals” block. I know this is a bug as it worked for ClicClac. (Sorry, linked the wrong guide.)

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He already refreshed.


I also restarted my device and shut down, it still didn’t work.

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@ClicClac u still need ideas for the GK8?

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No. [1]

  1. To be honest, I don’t care if you give me them. I’ll still consider them! ↩︎

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ok thx for letting me know :saluting_face:

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Are you trying to do something like this

Let dog = 2;
If (dog = (2 || 3) {
Return true;

|| means or in JavaScript

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I’m trying to do this:
Screenshot 2024-03-16 11.46.50 AM

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Yeah. Gimkit currently doesn’t support that you will have to do

If(letter = v || letter = u) {


Basically you need to have two equals to expressions and the or outside of them

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Can you send a pic of the block code, I don’t understand.

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Im on mobile rn so i can try but i’ll explain it again.

[If [[Letter = v] or [letter = u]]]

Instead of:

[if [letter = [v or u]]]

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This is too much to duplicate:

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Just set it to a variable

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The text is a variable:
Screenshot 2024-03-16 11.55.36 AM
Screenshot 2024-03-16 11.55.30 AM

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No the expression in the if block

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I mean, you could possibly do this:

if [get first occurence of text [your text] in text [create text with [v] and [u]]] != 0
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Screenshot 2024-03-16 11.56.55 AM
What is in the do section?

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Screenshot 2024-03-16 11.57.52 AM

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Like, use the [get first occurence of text] block, with the second space being that [create text] block

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This doesn’t go into a logic block.

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