Block code just not running

I’m not incrementing anything.

Then you could have the property represented by the amount of item in your inventory. You can clear all then grant one, right?

I am not comprehending. The property is your level of snowball launcher, for upgradable weapons.

Give me a few minutes to get a picture of what I mean.

2 hours later :skull:


Uh… I was working on it.

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Heh, understandable, it’s known when someone says they need a couple minutes to get pictures, to be very flexible about the meaning of “a few minutes”. Hey even the great Cameron Sharer did it!


The fact that now checkers are more reliable than block code :skull:.


This was a statement that I never wanted to hear, block code is not working!

Yeah. But I decided to get rid of this entire thing because it didn’t work. I am using a different method that hopefully works.