Blaster Ranking amongst current weapons

Yeah but it does minimal damage. The most it can do is 32 in legendary tier


The damage it does in it’s Legendary tier is what most gadgets can accomplish in their Rare-Epic tiers.
Shows how low it’s damage is lol.

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No it deals 32 damage per shot for legendary.

20 at common

it has great projectile speed.

Instead of 20 ammo like in Blastball. It has 28. Also it reloads quickly and shoot really quickly.

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I guess that’s the only thing saving it from being the worst weapon. (It’s the zapper)

20 dmg isnt that bad
if u have like god accuracy you can do good dmg

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Yeah, but it can stack if you aren’t careful. It’s a big projectile and it can be pretty hard to dodge it. Besides damage boost


I think it’s better than both the pml and the snowball launcher


Snowball Launcher? It’s probably the best in the game.


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Which situations would the blaster be useful in?
Quantum Portal is best for tight and narrow corridors or from people at high speeds
Slingshot is a great high dmg weapon with long range, good for pop in obstacles.
Wooden Wand is okay damage, good reload time, moderate range.
P.M.L is an alternative to a slingshot, with slower projectiles and a slight curve to the shots.
Zapper is fast fire rate, reload time, and low range
Snowball Launcher is decent fire rate, good damage, good speed, good reload time, and excels in wide open areas.

So what would the blaster be good for?

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that is the slingshot, due to projectile speed and damage

I think all weapons are equal and it depends on your situation for better usage. Against a bunch of low health sentries, use zapper or fast weapon but a strong boss, then use a Quantum Portal.

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between snowball launcher and blaster (legendary) i think blaster is a little bit better
but they both are better in their own ways


Blaster is good if you just want to hit your opponent and have bad aim.


Low-damage sentries. Or just for chipping damage slowly if you’re fast,

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so good range basically

Maybe for tight situtations where you don’t have any ammo for your Snowbrawl Launcher/Slingshot (main weapon) and want to do damage in a pinch?
Kinda like the Silenced Pistol in zombsroyale if you play it.

Switching to your sidearm is faster than reloading.


You know what? I’mma make a guide on this.