Bitwise operations in gimkit

because the number was too big?
imean ig…
ima experiment

so what we are trying to do is turn a number into binary and do bitwise AND without loops…
this isnt possible

yes, this is all correct, but u cant convert to binary without loops

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How dare thou useth black magic!

sorry this is very complex to take in and understand that using AI or “black magic” might be needed here.

u dont understand it?
also a bit off topic here :smile:

I actually said that to see what somebody would reply with lol
(my bad guys)

bruh @Sluggy

I finally understand it after all this time lol

yeah so its impossible end of the story

and no im not trying to be negative.
ok so it is impossible to do it without loops.
thats all im saying

@Blackhole927 Have you tried all the loop options and see which one is faster? (E.g. The repeater device, wire loops, trigger loops.)

300 iterations a second isn’t fast enough. Also, please stop trying to find workarounds, I need a solution without loops. There’s already been a good workaround found.


Oh- sorry

I think there would need to be a couple of blocks added in order to get the solution you would want. Like a while block, for, etc.

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a while blcok is a loop…

It is a loop, but it’s a loop inside the same trigger.

just reading this topic makes me feel less brainy because idk how to help and

lil bit off topic

I’m also a sophomore in high school

wait there is no loop block in trigger??!?!??!
(wait a minute, there is no loops in triggers…)

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Quick question blackhole. Now that string operations is a thing do you still need this? I have a few ideas to do it using strings if you do.

Now that strings exist, this is just a fun math problem not really a super relevant one.