Bitwise operations in gimkit

ye though it should prob be resolved at this point considering it’s literally impossible to do it without looping in gimkit…


I was wondering if this was solved or not.

This way I did isn’t really math. It works tho (1)

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Wat. Can you explain what’s going on here lol in your vid

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What works? From what we can see, there is only 1 number you are modifying.

I am doing, get property +1

There are so many at one time it just goes +10 lol

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Okay… and how exactly is that relevant to this topic?

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wait that doesn’t work for bits though lol. A number can’t be arbitrarily converted by just adding a specific amount x times. so… uh ye. Also ignore the fact I’m writing this at 1 AM lol


what is this?

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Welp if you scroll up the 870 posts up, this is basically now a collection of ideas on solving bitwise problems algebraically without looping. However, It’s been proven by me and 1 or 2 others that this isn’t possible, so idk why the topic is still open. In terms of the gif/vid they showed, idk.


Were you looking for a screenshot?


Nightmare Fueling


Wait, where’s the proof? I think I missed it.


I mean, bh, there is no way u can turn smithing into binary without loop, and bitwise cant be solved algebraically, so, ig thats wt jjnitzn is trying to say

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:nerd_face: erm it is actually a Non-Abelian Group

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Nah I’ve made the grave mistake of reading this entire thing, SEVERAL TIMES.

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I don’t think any of us provided the mathematical proof, (nor am I completely sure what that would look like), but this is the easiest way.

The solution to the stackoverflow problem shows the base form of doing bitwise operations with algebra. Doing it with algebra will always require a loop.

If you want to prove it using some weird from of proofs, it lies somewhere around how the physical bits a compared and how using algebra changes the operations.


You should check the date of replies before replying, that reply was in April.


Heading back to the primary purpose of this discussion (somewhat), since we can’t do bitwise operations without looping in Gimkit… Everyone just find some vague random math topic that could be fun to mess with! This shouldn’t be something easily solvable lol (ideally), so that this is actually a interesting challenge.

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uhm excuse me but what?!

how why me why not me and @THEHACKER120 comment @Blackhole927 why WHY this is not fair fr. now I got strikes against me now and I possible getting closer to a ban. this ain’t cool.
sorry for caps