Beginner Voting System (Difficulty đŸŸ© or 3/10)

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Sorry I haven’t replied until now, I should be able to help you Monday.


I should be able to help today, whats happening?

well its not working
 and i have followed your guide exactly. Im on the padlet if you can get on it with me a cyan so you can look at it.



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I’m sorry but I got busy today. What do you think about 10:15(Central) tomorrow?

Yeah i can do that.

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I should be able to now, are you on that padlet?

yeah im on that padlet, cyan is not active but while you are on can we work on my map and add your systems to it?

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Where are you going to put the code?

the collab padlet under “Scan”

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@WolfTechnology If you put the code on the padlet I can get no now.

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I can in like 10 minutes if that is good for you.

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Ok i posted it on the padlet.

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You might as well just share the codes here if you’re going to do it like this.

no because then that would lead to arguments. We have no other way of talking so here it is and we keep it breef. So quite being like that.

Why not make a help topic and try to do what awesomeT43 tells you to do? You’ll learn much more that way, and you won’t be breaking the rules of this forum.

we are talking about a map of mine that he is making among us task on, so I’m not sure if its allowed to make a post just for me an him.

It’s a help post about your voting system not working correctly, right?

no that was cyan’s voting system mine works fine. cyan is just not online so awsome can’t help him so while he is on me and him are working on a map of mine that we are working on. nothing with voting.

Well you still need help, right?