🛠 Beginner Tutorial 2(Difficulty 1/5)

In this tutorial, I will explain the Game Overlay, Item Granter, and Movement Meter devices as well as a short energy-movement guide. Difficulty :green_square: If you haven’t already I recommend checking out my introduction guide.🛠 Gimkit Creative Tutorial Introduction

Game Overlay
  • Featured

    Overlay type- What the overlay is actually showing, a clickable button, just some text, or how much of an item you have.
    Overlay Position- Where on the screen the overlay appears, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right.
    Overlay text- What the overlay says(text and button only)
    Visible on Game Start- Whether or not it is visible when the game starts
    Tracked Item- Only shows up if overlay type is set to Tracked Item and is the item that shows how much you have.

  • Channels
    Screenshot 2023-09-01 8.44.02 AM
    Show Overlay when Receiving On- Shows the overlay when a channel is broadcasted.
    Hide Overlay when Receiving On- Hids the overlay when a channel is broadcasted.

  • Scope
    Screenshot 2023-09-01 8.44.07 AM
    Contense Scope- When the overlay is updated(usually when tracking an item) who does it change for.
    Visibility Scope- When the overlay is shown/hidden who is it shown/ hidden for.

  • All Items
    Show Tracked Item Maximum Amount- This is only available if the overlay type is set to track item, show the amount of an item you have and how much you can have as a fraction ex. 10/100

Item Granter

Item to Grant
Amount to Grant
Grant Item when Receiving On
Grant Strategy

Movement Meter
  • Featured

    Tracked Item- The item the movement meter is tracking.
    Item Drain per Tick- how many resources are used each “Dain Interval”
    Drain Interval- How often a tick occurs

  • Channels
    Screenshot 2023-09-01 8.53.07 AM
    When Player Runs out of Tracked Item Transmit On- When the player runs out of the item the movement meter is tracking it will broadcast on this channel.

Energy-Movement Meter
  • Set Up
    This will drain energy from players as they move and stop them if they run out.


Polls [poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar close=2023-09-20T05:00:00.000Z]
  • 1/5 :green_square:
  • 2/5 :yellow_square:
  • 3/5 :orange_square:
  • 4/5 :red_square:
  • 5/5 :blue_square:
[/] [poll ]

Next Guide


Nice Guide, this will be very useful to new users. And I would like your post but I am out of likes…

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I will!


Ok, don’t flex on me.

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Bummpp hehe.
wiki bump? :man_dancing: