🛠 Beginner Tutorial 1(Difficulty 1/5)

For this tutorial, I will go over the Questioner, Counter, and Endgame Device, and at the end, I will show a short Guide on how to use them together. Difficulty :green_square: If you haven’t already I recommend checking out my introduction guide.https://forum.creative.gimkit.com/t/gimkit-creative-tutorial-introduction/5464


The kit link is found by copying the URL at the top of the kit page.

  • Channels

    Screenshot 2023-08-30 10.32.06 AM
    When Question Answered Correctly- This is used to trigger something when an answer is correctly answered (granting cash).
    When Question Answered Incorrectly- This is used to trigger something when an answer is incorrectly answered (removing cash).
    Open Interface when receiving on- This can open the questioner for a player, potentially making a player answer a set amount of questions to respawn.
    Open Interface when receiving on- This can be used to close the questioner for a player, once they have answered enough questions to respawn.
    Activate When receiving on- This activates the questioner remotely.
    Deactivate When receiving on- This is used to deactivate the questioner remotely.

  • Interface

    Closeable by player- Setting this to yes allows a player to close the question menu, if it’s set to no the player is locked in.
    Correct Answer Message- This message will be displayed when the answer is answered correctly.
    Incorrect Answer Message- This message will be displayed when the answer is answered incorrectly.
    Message Scope- This is a rather advanced topic but it is who the message is changed for when it is changed through blocks. (I will go in-depth with this in a future guide)

  • Featured
    Screenshot 2023-08-30 1.13.07 PM
    Screenshot 2023-09-01 8.47.07 AM

Starting Value- What number the counter starts on.
Visible In-game- Weather or not the counter device is visible in-game(It can be used to display it’s current value when it is visible)
Count Scope- Determine what group the count is updated for.

  • Property
    Screenshot 2023-08-30 2.19.27 PM
    Update Property- Set whether or not there is a property that will be updated along with the counter itself.
    Property to Update- Select the property that the counter will update( Property will have the same value as the counter and must be a number)

  • Target

    The target is a specific number that the counter will be checking if it is at.
    Use Targe Value- Whether or not the counter will use a target value.
    Target Value- The number the counter is checking for.
    Reach Target Value When Receiving On- When the counter receives on this channel it will automatically change to the target value.

  • Channels

    Increment Counter When Receiving On- When the counter receives on a channel the number will increase by 1.
    Decrement Counter When Receiving On- When the counter receives on a channel the number will decrease by 1.
    Reset Counter When receiving On- If the counter receives on this channel it will reset to the starting value.
    Target Reached When receiving On- I think this is bugged, it doesn’t seem to do anything, but if anyone knows what it does please tell me.

End Game

End the Game When Receiving On- Allows you to use a channel to end the game remotely.


What you Need

No Changes needed for the End Game

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  • 1/5 :green_square:
  • 2/5 :yellow_square:
  • 3/5 :orange_square:
  • 4/5 :red_square:
  • 5/5 :blue_square:
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Next Guide


Nice beginner tutorial! This is actually a pretty good idea and I know that it’s going to help new users.


You might want to make instead of hide details, a bold title for each subsection, because its really hard to read. I’m sure it will be good though.

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Is this more like what you were thinking?

Yes! Thank you for that!

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Bumping is only for putting guides that have been long forgotten in the forum. Don’t bump guides that were made in the past week, including this one.

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You do realize that GKC already has a tutorial for that, right?

Yes, but it only uses a few devices.

I said nvm, I said that on a different one thoug so I said that this now makes sense. I have ADHD so things need to be nice and simple.

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