đź›  Beginner Tutorial 3(Difficulty 1/5)

In this tutorial, I will explain the Teleporter, Zone, Barrier, and Relay devices along with my toggleable teleporter design which incorporates all four. Difficulty :green_square: If you haven’t already I recommend checking out my introduction guide.:hammer_and_wrench: Gimkit Creative Tutorial Introduction

  • Featured

    Group- The group the teleporter belongs to.
    Target Group- Will teleport to a random teleporter of this group.
    Visible In-Game- Whether or not you player can see the teleporter in the game.

  • Channels

    When Teleported Here, Transmit On- When a player is teleported here it will transmit on this channel.
    Teleport Here When Receiving On- The triggering player will be sent here when it receives on this channel.
    Teleport to Target When Receiving On- Will teleport to a random teleporter of the target group when receiving on this channel.
  • Featured
    Active On Game Start- Does this zone work when the game is started.
    Visible in Game- Whether or not a player can see the zone.

  • Items

    Allow Gadgets Fire- Can gadgets fire while the player is in the zone.
    Allow Gadgets Drop- Can gadgets be dropped in the zone.
    Allow Consumable Drop- Can consumables be dropped in the zone.
    Allow resource Drop- Can resources be dropped in the zone.
    Dropped Item Decay Enabled- If an item is dropped in this zone will it disappear.

  • Channels

    When Player Enters Zone, Transmit On- When a player enters this zone it will transmit on this channel.
    When Player Leaves Zone, Transmit On- When a player leaves this zone it will transmit on this channel.
    Activate Zone When Receiving On- Activate the zone when this channel is transmitted on.
    Deactivate Zone When Receiving On- Deactivate the zone when this channel is transmitted on.

  • All Options
    Background Color- The color of the inside of the zone.
  • Appearance

    Barrier Shape- Whether the barrier is rectangular or circular.
    Barrier Color- The color of the barrier.
    Alpha- The transparency of the barrier.
    Show Border- Whether or not the barrier border is visible.
    Visible in-game- Whether a player can see the barrier in-game.

  • Availability

    Active on Game Start- Whether or not the barrier does anything when the game begins.
    Active Scope- When the barrier is activated or deactivated who is it changed for.
    Activate When Receiving On- Activates the barrier when this channel is broadcasted on.
    Deactivate When Receiving On- Deactivates the barrier when this channel is broadcasted on.

  • All Options
    Collision Enabled- Whether or not a player is unable to enter the barrier.
  • Set up
    Get a teleporter, barrier, and zone all the same size.

  • Final Product
    Screenshot 2023-09-06 10.30.41 AM

  • Prosses
    There are no changes needed to any of the devices except set the barrier to “active on game start”=no and
    Set the channel to the channel for the target teleporter.

Next Guide


Bro is seriously about to do all of TUGTED by themself


What dose TUGTED mean?


The Ultimate Guide to Every Device


In that case, yes that is my plan.

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Nice! Keep rocking it @awesomeT43 !



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