Bedwars thumbnail vote

Here are the suggestions

The first one was by @Gimator, and the second one was by @kush
Type in replys

Whose thumbnail is better?
0 voters

Hey, I know this is last minute but
Can I make one for you?
I use adobe photoshop, so sorry if you want hand drawn
Can you give me more detail on the thumbnail?

Work I've done


Ya sure when I see it it will be in the contest.
Also, look at this

1 Like

Creating a poll for which thumbnail looks better shows that you only care about popularity and not what you personally like.
This is not the community’s project. This is YOUR project. YOU decide, not us.


Edit: omg wrong post replied to

when will the game be posted

looks like @Foxboy does not go on forums anymore…just let a mod close or ignore post.

how do you reply to yourself on a different topic LOL