Bedwars Help needed

What’s yours?

@EggNoodle pinging you here, item shop opens 2pm wensday EST.
adding wingwave ping as well for info correction the shop does not open at 6 am for you @wingwave

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Ok thanks

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You play chess? I haven’t been on in forever.

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put a zone around your bed and put down a game overaly to show the health the bed has

How could the zone track the health though?

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idk lol it was just a suggestion and my brain doesn’t know how to do that

it was the first thing that came to mind

Nice Suggestion! Please bring it t-
Oh wait, nevermind.

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Yeah I do.


You metioned me? Also, I will not be online until Saturday September 9th.

First make it so you can oneshot the prop, then clone one for each HP point and overlap them, then place a counter and (set it to whatever the HP amount is) wire every clone to the counter wire them like this:

then it should work.

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Nice explanation, @WiggleDJim! Welcome to the forum! Check out the beginner-must-read and forum-tips for more info.

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Can I help with bedwars?

Welcome to the forum, @REDNIGHT!

Also, here’s a note: Please don’t share any codes - it can cause clutter and less help from the forums.
I recommend you reading beginner-must-read since you’re new :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum, @REDNIGHT!

Welcome to the Community @REDNIGHT!

Welcome to the forum @REDNIGHT

That is a good alternative

You could have a property Bed1Health, and have a text next to the bed display it.

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