I’m making a baking game and I need a thumbnail, STAT.
A chef gim in front of a desk talking to another gim
A chef gim carrying banana bread and a cake slice
Rosalind and Stache coming into the cafe
A small child looking gim crouching in front of the door holding a Portable Muffin Launcher
A chef gim staring at a Sushi Box because its hungry
A gim walking out of the cafe holding a milkshake
Deadline starts when I get close to finishing the map
Edit: I finished the map. Deadline: April Fools
Sure, why not? The more, the merrier!
also do i need to do all those gims?
If you can’t, it’s okay. But I would like it if you tried.
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can i add one chef thats talking to the gim and stache and rosalind?
Sure! sorry that I took so long to reply I just couldn’t think of anything to say to complete the 20 characters long thing
its ok
btw you can do this to past the character limit: < cytfiugyftyutygft > (without spaces)
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also welcome to the forums @KittenMitten
welcome to forums @KittenMitten make sure to read the community guidelines and FAQ
I’m not new I just accidentally signed out of my old account and forgot the password
but thanks anyway
Sorry if I’m rushing you, but how is the thumbnail going?
havent started (i was doing a different thumbnail i will start it tomorrow)
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@Grapefruitt do you mind doing this thumbnail?
I had to sacrifice some of the stuff you wanted due to limited c@nvas size.
On a side note, Blahaj attack!