Im gonna start making The Back Rooms or “The Gim Rooms” and i want custom levels when saying (suggesting) a custom level put
Level Name:
Safe/Not safe
Hidden items: Optional
Exit point:
Terrain: Optional
How to enter: Optional
(Monsters will be added when the sentry’s can move)
level: shop (question, do you need numbers in the level?)
exit: at any time, just the shop doors
bonus: the ability to collect items from the shop
The “Party room”
not safe
Hidden items: zapper (just make it in a random drawer)
Exit points: 5 but only 1 is a one to escape to the next lvl
I also want ozi as the main monster
Level name: Perfect Life
Visible keycard that can be found in a box when you enter. Box says “Welcome to your perfect life :)” on it.
Exit Point: If you find it, there will be a door that will give you a welcoming feeling. If you’re foolish enough, when you walk through the door, it will transfer you to a reversed version of “Perfect Life”.
Terrain: It’s the inside of a 2-story house (make it look how you want it to look.)
How to Enter: From Level 220 (if you want a description of Level 220, by all means, ask for it.), if you’re lucky enough and smart enough, you’ll no-clip through a part of the wall and enter Level “Perfect Life.”
Level Name: Ruins of Gimpuzzler
Not safe
Hidden items: A block of cheese, granting 10 health, and a small room with a candle, and there will be button saying “pray” if u pray, u get sheil can
Exit point: in the middle of the lower right quadrant
[LEVEL NAME]: "𝒫 𝒶 𝓉 𝒽 𝑜 𝒻 𝐻 𝒾 𝒷 𝒾 𝓈 𝒸 𝓊 𝓈 "
[Unsafe, depending on your fate.]
[The path MUST be covered with plenty of this emoji: || Color scheme may also match.]
[HOW TO ENTER]: -Unknown.-
[HOW TO EXIT]: Go though the path WITHOUT touching the hibiscus walls. The walls would get smaller each time you’re close to the exit.
[POSSIBLE HIDDEN ITEMS]: “Hibiscus Tea” (the raspberry item could be used for a dangerous version, while a strawberry could be used as a safe version. Both versions could be the same item, if possible. The safe version has just a few chances) - Could be collected when going near the hibiscus walls.
[WARNINGS, kinda too extra.]:
Whatever you do, do NOT devour the wrong dose of “hibiscus tea.” It may seem tempting, but if devoured/collected, the ambience gets darker and text that could randomly say “[ERRoR: poison.cwojoifji.avi - NOW LOGGiNG oUT oF REALiTY.]”. Few seconds later, the game would automatically end.
If you touch the walls in most areas of the path, the game also automatically ends.