Anybody want to help with my museum of memories map?

Uhhhh yeah sure canva? WIX? Samsung Fridge???

If your asking anyone can jo1n if you can just ask

me requested access.

Canva dude :upside_down_face: you seem like a nice guy

got you as well @G-Code549

Oki, i sent a request

spins madly

I ma do a few doodles on it


why flagged I just said I do want to help?

Bh was on the old forums.

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The unlocked:
A button, connected to a teleporter and prop, that is open for a set amount of time…

Cracks In The Walls:
Make a large piece of wall, but make one of the outer-facing walls actually a floor terrain, with a path through the walls also of terrain, all the way to a secret room…

I forgot how to do this but if a player goes into a set-up zone, this glitchy thing will happen and it would open up a secret room!! And or Teleport to the secret room!!

When player enters zone Channel:80 teleport player when reciving on: 80

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And bye till 21st… =D

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what exactly do you mean old though?

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I’ll post some history, gimme a sec

There was a forum before this for a couple weeks. They moved to discourse because of some moderation issues.

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I found some more on Google:
Why google?
IDK it was archived

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I’m thinking of making my map like Stardew Valley, and I need people to help with it so anyone want to jo1n?


with the new Sentry skins you could showcase Forum members skins throughout their time in the forum, like if you add my sentry to gim guide as a showcase in the game there can be a little box that shows what skin I wore that time and
maybe your game can have forum members from last year
and some that show all that persons guides and what skin they wore and how long they had been on the forum


That’s a good Idea!