Any tips to make this look better?

I’m making a spooky game and you can hide under the bed

any suggestions?

Maybe add a partly transparent black barrier to make it look dark under there.

instead of terrain, use a really big bed.

Add more depth to the design try adding more minor props even if they are just like a small shelf in corner it will still help make the over all design look much better in the end trust me I know

Spider prop!

W suggestion, not sure why I didn’t that of that LOL

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cobweb emoji?

once you have everything you need, make sure to mark a solution so the topic will close!

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add some shadows, maybe some props, also maybe like a basketball or a lost sock, or other things stereotypically found underneath beds

welcome, @kloooohh !

If I listed everything under my bed to help you, we would be here all day.

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I did this, very dark, but it kinda looks like your ON the bed

Add more depth to the design try adding more minor props even if they are just like a small shelf in corner it will still help make the over all design look much better in the end trust me I know

layer it to " above player?"

You should layer the bed to above layer.

candles and lighting


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wait if we do that, we can’t do any props or spiders under the bed, bc they won’t B visible…

glo in the dark bed. lol.

just a suggestion but the user name is showing you may want to fix that