An Improved Click Detector

This is an improvement of the click detector that I made in this guide. This click detector lets you not have to spam the number key to click multiple times.

First, make your map settings to have instant reload. Next, make an IIM (doesn’t edit property) for your ammo. Next, make an item granter grant 1 of the ammo. Make a property trigger the item granter (using channels). Next, put this block in for the IIM:


Change the channel name for each different type of ammo you need.

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nice mini-guide!

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cool guide @getrithekd :grin: :+1:

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Nice guide!


Nice guide, @getrithekd!

theoretically, could i use this for a clicker game?

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Yes, but a button is much better.

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would an overlay set to button count as a button though?

Yes… But if you need to switch buttons, that’s an ENTIRELY different subject.


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Nice guide!

Bumpity BUMP! Someone might want this.

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