Offtopic Thumbnail Showcase (OP mark solution please)

I’m sorry but I’m pretty sure showcases aren’t allowed, you can post it on the thumbnail request place, but basically this is just a clutter of space.

Also the forums are meant for gkc help, how is this helping (well also for updates about the game but…)

@Slim idk if this topic is off topic or not but i think it isn’t :?

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But how is this one off topic when a lot of other people on the forums had posted thumbnail art of their own? (As a topic.)

Idk, i wasn’t here to see any, I’ll ask bh

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Ok! And also i made a topic like this before and it wasn’t off topic…

Just messaged bh and the mods, waiting for they’re response.

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the other people were asking for advice, your just showcasing it, therefore, its off-topic/spam

My topics about to get taken down :cold_sweat:


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Most of the reply’s is an argument, and since two people are saying its off topic their gonna take it down.

Also i forgot my poll

It isn’t in my opinion. You are asking advice to improve on your own thumbnail.


I dont think she is tho

It’s she so you don’t have to put he/she anymore :>

Hello! This post is off topic due to the fact that you’re essentially showcasing your art which is not helping anyone. Please make sure not to showcase in the future. Also, please do not post the other thumbnails you noted inside of the topic. Thank you!


You could just make an art gallery on your pfp and include it or take it to a separate chat

Yeah, @SnoopyOTG is right.

@Call24whem, I can move it to help and then you can mark a solution and it can close, yeah?

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yea thats what I said, 100% agree

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