Among Us Skeld Map (7/10) Map Making

Wolf buddy were are you

you can mention him with @WolfTechnology

Hey I have to do a gimkit for Class So yeah

Is the gimkit still open?

no it got closed for now

come on dude why :expressionless: :expressionless:

i have no earthly idea

i know why it is because @WolfTechnology was offline for so long it closed or he shutted his computer.

yeah he was afk for forever

he was helping someone with a bug breh

Hey I have a good idea Should we make a Star Wars Revenge of The Sith

i was kind of thinking of trying to do part one of my house @BRUH8

Map? Ya’ll I want to

its a guide to the map hes still building

hey @anon60939802 welcome to the forum!

i’d like to help too



i doing the guide from this one How to build a house you can walk into| TUTORIAL | Difficulty:🟩

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and this one How to build a house you can walk into ch. 2 | TUTORIAL | Difficulty:🟩

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