Unfinished WIP and user lost access to main acct

Ok, this is not fully completed but I am working on a fallout map, (you could probably tell from this post) so anyways I am putting links of posts I know and what I am putting in my map. Feel free to ask for me to put things in, and also this is once again NOT COMPLETED. Vote at the end how much you like it.

Posts in Forums

* How to make a Pip-boy.
* This is kinda not trying to be fallout but…
* I’m making a Fallout inspired map and I don’t know how to make a rad system.

Things in my map

How to make a screen for "Please stand by" (Also usually beginning screen)

Okay, you will have to do some layering, but here we go.
Screenshot 2024-06-17 1.26.15 PM

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Screenshot 2024-06-17 1.36.09 PM

So, this is the bottom right corner side.

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Screenshot 2024-06-27 1.38.36 PM

Okay, there is a weird glitch with something to do with the camera points that when you move the text it makes it smaller, I have zero idea how it works but when you play it is fine so…

Screenshot 2024-06-27 2.03.31 PM

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Screenshot 2024-06-17 12.53.57 PM

How to make a Mr Gutsy/Mr Handy

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Screenshot 2024-06-17 12.53.57 PM
Andddd Done!

How to make the computer screens


Screenshot 2024-06-27 5.31.55 PM

Reclamation Day!

Party hats!
Screenshot 2024-06-27 5.33.01 PM

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Color is 0 / 204 / 255

Screenshot 2024-06-27 5.31.55 PM

Easy confetti!
Screenshot 2024-06-27 5.34.24 PM

Vault boy!


Good morning sign

Screenshot 2024-06-28 12.03.41 PM

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Screenshot 2024-06-28 6.42.47 PM

How to make C. A. M. P.



Thanks for looking at this and I hope it improves your map!

  • This was a pretty nice guide!
  • This guide was good
  • It was OK
  • It was kinda meh
  • This is not very good (If this is chosen please try to say why)
0 voters
How hard these were:
  • 6/5
  • 5/5
  • 4/5
  • 3/5
  • 2/5
  • 1/5
0 voters

Is there a way to keep this from not letting me edit it?


Bravo, My good Sir!


I will try to respond but I am kind of busy at the moment, if you have suggestions you can tell me.

Not to be offensive, I know it’s in progress, but how is this a guide…

It shows different things you an use in a fallout map you could create.

Ok. Fair enough, it’s a good start, maybe when you get time, add instructions on how to build those things which I am sure you will do since it is in progress. :>
Nice guide


Great guide!

very detailed! love it!!!


Nice art! :]


is it okay if I make a T-60 Power Armor? It may take a while though.

1, if you are making a guide, you have to give instructions. I understand you already did it, so link to the specific post, and add on a little more, with a few photos, and if there are, then you should quote them in. That’s why I voted for This is not very good

2, I love the idea, but based on what you’re doing, you should have asked a regular to make a wiki, and if you can’t do that, wait until you’re actually done.

I will be trying to make power armor, but sure!

Also I am giving instructions, and usually people like pictures more, some even put videos! What would I be quoting, can you see “Things in my map”? And I am on the forums all the time but just have been on less in the summer, fortunately that is changing! If sounded angry sorry, but I just wanted to share things that could be helpful in others maps.

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Oof I tried looking through props to make power armor, and let me just say, good luck @wait.what.626Youtube. You can try using anvils and boats.

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this is what i have so far, but its something :sweat_smile:
Screenshot 2024-06-28 12.40.32 PM
comparison is okay…

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:scream: Thats that’s… how…


lol, it takes so long though :sweat_smile:
(I look at the pic while I create it and I scroll through the props page for like an hour trying to find the perfect thing)


Screenshot 2024-06-28 1.32.34 PM
I made more progress 0_0

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W.O.W. the only thing that’s off is the shields color, you should be hired to do prop art, your amazing!


THX! wow, hired?? I didn’t know I was that good!