Also what is Honors?
hyperbolic trig is made from exponential functions. They are good for engineering.
They are written as [average trig function] + [h] like “sinh” or “cosh”.
Sinh(x) is like (e^x - e^(-x))/2 or something.
better classes and stuffs
I think honors is like between regular and AP
honors basically means you are in a higher class than the average for your grade
There’s Normal, Accelerated, Honors, and AP
what? who are you talking to?
Just, you know, in general.
well, i am definitely not old enough to take those…
Gotta work your way up then
i am at the top of my grade, as good as i can be, but i wont be able to take those yet
Ah, then what I would do is start pre-studying if there’s really nothing you can do
The highest in my region is Multivariable Calc
For some reason I do that naturally
If we did geometry in middle school, we’d get hs credit
i dont, youre stressing yourself out for literally no reason
multivariable calculus is super respectable
What do you mean “super respectable”?
Why, is it mind-breaking?
Also, what do you mean abstracted?
Why is it so tiny