Advanced Logic Gates In GKC

(read replies for the third one)

what i don’t understand is why we can’t use block code

oh ok


They want the least amount of memory possible.

But that still doesn’t warrent the disuse of blocks.


To make a computer wouldn’t we presumably need a save file?
I don’t think a save file can be made without block code.

One way or another to make a computer you’ll probably eventually need to use block code at one point.

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rela [1]

And even if you don’t understand block coding, you can just learn how to. Blocks open up new possiblities for games, and not using it is not recommended. The more, the better in most cases.

  1. also yoyo does not like eating pengouons anymore :angry: ↩︎


Well, the point Epi’s trying to make is that all computers are made of logic gates, and so if he manages to make a gate without block code (which is impossible), then he could (in theory with unlimited memory), make a computer, though it would take forever and soo much memory.


what was this part for?

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He said he didn’t want blocks.

hi I’m new iobgolhgb sdoufbgougb sdobgousrbgoubhosdb

anyone here??? :neutral_face:fljveslij nbspib s

for the NAND logic gate, i think you NEED block code cause i dont think the check can compare two property’s together

@here whoa! So many people!
Ok, so to clarify : I am a young person, I am not very skilled in coding, so this is honestly a brand new thing to me, using logic gates.
I Was thinking of building a full adder, as that is waht my teacher showed me, and Iam most familiar waith.
I am trying not to use block code, cause, it takes up memory, and i want it to be basic. BUt i do understand it is impossible COMPLETELY not use block code. Also, yes there already is a guide on logic gates and and + or gates, as @eiqcrmeliutgwhc pointed out, but this is really just an experiment, as to what we can do. Also, guys, i have an idea. WE CAN USE COUNTERS!!!
(counters are underrated, as most people use properties, but anyways. You gotta love them counters!)

Thanks Everyone! :grin:
also guys, try to stay nice!

  • ok, so i have two numbers, lets say 101001 and 110010 how do we compare it with or, and and gates

We’re working on bitwise operations.

  • With logic gates, will this be mor efficient then block code?

I’m not sure.

yeah, good point. i forgor that we cant do bitwise yet…
imean, can we? ik that @Blackhole927 's help on bitwise operation had a solutiion, but i dunno what.


Are you asking how to make a checker or something run logic gates? If so, I know a way.


yeah, i was, but i have a way now. what i need to know is how to do bitwise operations efficiently.

There might be a way. Even though a solution hasn’t been found for your type of question yet, Blackhole said he didn’t want loops, which might be easier.