Additional information about the Gimkit Awards!

Ooh, yay! Voting starts in 4 days (assuming my math is right). :smiley_cat:


Thatā€™s true, @Blackhole927, theyā€™re different. Also, the reason I havenā€™t posted anything on the forum is b/c itā€™s off-topic and I donā€™t wanna be suspended. I will try to get Josh to make my event official, though. :trophy:

I totally get you not wanting me getting credit for your awards. I donā€™t like them getting confused, either, because I feel like people donā€™t even remember I actually made my own and think youā€™re the only one doing an awards thing.


starts in april 30th?

I donā€™t have a floor.

how long will this last?


when the end date tho?

Oops. 5 days, then. :laughing:

Heā€™s not mad, but itā€™s like calling the Fortnite ā€œFortnutā€ but then you tell everyone the game is called ā€œFortnutā€. Itā€™s confusing.

The Gimkit Awards!! Iā€™m going for Best Gimkit Fanartist, so plz support me!
My previous work:

doesnt that count as advertising. you just told everybody the name of the gameā€¦


So am Iā€¦
(dude you literally copied my Canva format)
(and my forums name)

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Oh, good pointā€¦ there, I changed it. :laughing:

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Iā€™m sry Iā€™m gonna give you credit i shouldā€™ve done it earlier

you just have a competitor >:)

uhhh excuse me, what??
whatā€™s a in between???

@Trasch, @Unstable is trying to be inclusive to the many new genders that there are in the world so that the event fairly includes everyone.

good luck bro
glad I have good competition

I just got outā€¦
Accidentally deleted a map


iā€™ll delete my canva if you want, sry for my incompetence

thank you. itā€™s fine, we all make mistakes (Iā€™ve made my own fair share).
I started raging a bit
you donā€™t have to, just change the format?

that i sure can do :slight_smile:

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