A teacher who needs help making a collaborative project

@Adrienne1218 Welcome to the Community!

way to late for that ;-;


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Welcome to the Forums! @Adrienne1218

Welcome to the community @Adrienne1218! If you feel like your question has been answered, please mark the small check mark labeled “solution” on the bottom of that post.

This may be a super late response, but I have answers to all of these questions.

  1. Students can work on the same project, the only problem is that only one person can actually open the project. In order for them to share the project, they can send the “Showcase Link” that is unique to their project.

  2. The game autosaves every five minutes, however it I always save before I close my project just to be safe.

It’s probably better if they have time for it in class, as communication will be easier.

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It’s the solutionist!


They probably left without marking a solution.

Guessing the teacher did not have a clue what she was doing

Guys stop posting. This teacher has left.


Thank you everyone who replied! I appreciate all the help. They are starting the project today, so let’s hope this goes well! -A


Awesome! Good luck! Hopefully they all have fun making it.

Most of the teachers actually did this.

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