A teacher who needs help making a collaborative project

Welcome to the forums @Adrienne1218. :partying_face:
Remember to read the FAQ, the TOS, and the community guidelines. also remember to mark a solution if you have found one.

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Welcome To the Community MaĀ“m

Here is what you need to hear

  1. yes if you give me permissions they canā€¦ and or they already can
  2. it saves every few minutes and or automatically
  3. they are able to make maps themselfsā€¦ Since I am student I can
  4. you can find game ideas for your students here, on gimkit discovery or gimkits built in games

I hope this helps you


@Adrienne1218 welcome to the forums! i think itā€™s awesome that the gimkit community is not only students (mainly) but teachers as well! <3


Welcome to the community @Adrienne1218!

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no they can work on it together

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Yes, they can work together on it at the same time if the student who created the map is online as well.


Remember to mark a solution if you have found one!

Welcome to forums @Adrienne1218! Remember to read the community guidelines!

The new-user-must-read, beginner-must-read, and forum-tips will give a good gist of the rules here.

Check out the FAQ and TOS!

Any Gimkit Creative questions just ask!


I think they leftā€¦

Yeah I guess they did.

I like your new pfp

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Hey @StacheIsTaken why do you have so many pfps? (Not that any of them are bad, just asking) also, the one you have now is pretty cool.

Iā€™m an indecisive person. Canā€™t stick with my choice.

Now back on-topic


How can we get back on-topic if the person who asked the question left?


By not replyingā€¦


Good reason.
Letā€™s all stop replying to this post so it can close.


It wonā€™t close without a marked solution.

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Spelled it wrong. BTW,

Yeah ik i do that. Now really no more replying.

Donā€™t forget to mark a solution with the :heavy_check_mark: icon below a post if something helped, @Adrienne1218!

LAST CHANCE NO MORE REPLYING. THIS IS THE LAST POST. I will flag anymore posts regardless of who and what they are.

Sorry for the tone.


Bump, Why did @Haiasi take the resolved tag away