A Guide To Making Easter Eggs!

Easter Eggs (in video games) are hidden little lore drops or collectibles that players come upon during gameplay. So in this guide, I will explain how to create good Easter eggs. They make your game have a bit more depth and are generally fun to look for and find!

By the way this isn’t the devices or props or stuff needed yet, this is the ideas and tips

Also, I took all of these screenshots myself yay

More to be added (How to actually make these lol) Also more pictures! Whee

Bits Of Lore

Example: Ship Logs in One Way Out

These help the player understand the story of your game, and are fun to see, especially if your map is story-based (Like two of mine)


Example: The berries in Fishtopia

If you “consume” all three berries, then you are able to get Berry Fish from Lucky Lake. Then, once you get a Berry Fish, “consume” a GimBerry to be able to catch a GimFish! (How this works in the story is beyond me) Not all collectibles have to lead up to something, but those are the most fun (in my opinion)


This one is self explanatory. Basically you find a better gadget in a chest somewhere, get extra energy from somewhere, you get the point.

But I’m still putting an example from one of my own games because I feel like it.
Boat Raid from my game, Organized Chaos.

(gives you 10,000 energy)
Also, only the first player to find it gets the energy :slight_smile:

Alternate Path

In maze or platformer games, you can make a hard to access shortcut or lore path, etc, like 1WO’s secret Gold Key Card mission. Make them worthwhile to access.

Really Anything :)

Snowy Survival is really just one big easter egg, if you need inspiration have a look.

General Tips

-Don’t make them too easy to find! They should make you go out of your way, but only slightly. The Ship Logs in One Way Out are a good example. They’re right there, but you need to get close to them to find them.

-Don’t make them LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to get without being knocked out/falling/laser (you get the point) I see this a lot in Creative maps. Also, if you do this, make it worth it!

-Do make them feel rewarding, even if the player doesn’t get an actual reward!

-Don’t make them mandatory to collect to advance. Things like Green Key Cards (1WO) are necessary to advance, but you are guaranteed to find them. Things like Gold Key Cards (also 1WO) are NOT necessary to finish the game, and the secret mission (which I haven’t actually tried yet) isn’t either.

This is my guide to Easter eggs, if there’s anything you would like me to add or change I will!

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0 voters

this is a very descriptive guide
9/10 for the guide, 11/10 for the difficulty


Thank you! (I tried, this is my first guide, why that rhymed)
11/10 difficulty? (what does that mean) I know the difficulty but what does it mean for a guide?

This is like 2/10 max. I’d suggest adding more pictures and maybe going deeper into how you actually make the Easter Eggs? Otherwise it looks good!


I agree with turtle you need to add how to add those easter eggs

Okay! (Thank you!!)

(my post IS 20 characters Gimkit…)

Are the guides rated similar to difficulty (in device-based guides)