440 times per second

Help post #15000: Is it possible to activate something that makes a noise 440 times per second for an extended period of time? (Once every 0.0022727 sec) If we could figure this out, we could probably get a crude, just-intonated system of music in GKC![1]

  1. Now that I think about it, 440 would be impressive, but 220 and 110 would work fine as well. ↩︎


hi clicclac


Yeah, I was thinking about maybe using a couple staggered triggers, but I don’t know if I could get the block code to run fast enough to even hit 110 Hz, let alone 440 Hz. Maybe I could just use 110 triggers, each with a 0.0090909… delay, each triggering the next?


Um… so… I have a way of doing this, sort of, this can be improvised.

(Can’t get images right now, because I have no storage space left)

But, get a vending machine, that doesn’t cost anything to bye, but all it does is broadcast on a channel, that attempts to buy the item again. The ringing sounds like a sustained note, but, it only lasts for ten seconds, so place 2 triggers, and one with a delay of 5, that broadcasts the channel that attempts to buy the item, and and will trigger when the OTHER trigger, that will trigger when the item is attempted to be bought, is triggered. The sound will go on forever.

Sorry, I can’t explain this that well right now without the images.

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Does it do different notes, or just the one?


Just the one, but, I’m trying to brainstorm ways it can change.

And, I can get some images for it tomorrow.

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It works waaay better with checkpoints. Also, @ClicClac, I tried this out recently (there’s a research topic on this exact subject) and I can’t remember what the trigger settings were, but I think it was going quite a lot faster than that.


But… doesn’t the sound stop when the checkpoints are activated too frequently?

Another duck!?

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Here’s the research topic @Little_Green_Duck was referring to:

Damager boosts make a sound, right?
Well I think those don’t have the sound bug checkpoints do (what quack mentioned).
I also think they make a short sound (correct me if I’m wrong), so it could theoretically go 440 times per second.

You’d only need 1 recurring trigger.


It sure should be… I’m making hexagonestestest in Gimkit and it’s main component is music, so if this works…

But… in order to make music, we would need to figure out how to slow the ringing down.

What about something like a “binary” system, where if a value is zero, the ringing doesn’t begin, but if it’s one, the ring begins.

I’ve tested damage boosts - they don’t work. They just bug out and you can hear a few random individual boost noises. Also, @Bird, you need 2 triggers for checkpoints because you have to deactivate them. @Quack_Quack, it doesn’t. We love ducks!

Okay, I tested triggers, and the sound just doesn’t play.

However, checkpoints do make a noise, no matter the delay between them.
Which lead to this:

When finished, the whole loop should run in one second, but it runs way slower if a trigger is off screen. Does anyone have any code for shrinking the camera that I can use in Inspect?


I don’t know about that, but how did you set that up? The way I had it, there was two checkpoints that were alternating. I’m assuming you’re doing it where one activates the next and so on?

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hmm it would be hard to get that quick a trigger delay, but a player moving at 4x speed on player coords to see how fast between blocks

What do you mean - and why would knowing player speed help? Also, we’ve tested it - it works. You can actually get it waaay faster than that.

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Yeah, I’m doing that. I’m trying to get the checkpoints to activate at a fixed speed (fixed Hz), allowing for a specific note.

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That’s going to be hard - when I tried, it kinda stayed similar, although admittedly I didn’t try that many different speeds. Thats_Gimpossible mentioned the idea of creating a ‘scale’ of different devices that create different notes in the original research post, and they made a start on it, but there’s just not enough devices that play sound. Good luck!