3D Viewpoints in GKC

My z axis goes up. My x axis goes side to side and my y axis goes out.

Actually- I still don’t understand, but it doesn’t matter because I think I found my problem:
My focal length was set to 20 and so everything was being heavily distorted, I believe

what’s a focal length lol. Is it the distance the plane that you put on the screen is away from you?

I don’t know how to best explain it- A better term might be FOV or something. i’m not sure, I never learned exactly what it meant.

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Has @Anonymous given up on this?

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kind of?

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Ohh… So sad - around 15 days ago everyone was doing there best. Ohh well, I’ll do it after I finish all the other stuff I’m trying to make.

I feel like it’s pretty much solved, although anyone can still try with my abomination of code.

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Maybe I’ll take a crack at this at some point (once I’ve finished some other stuff). The main issue I see is the ability to track coords and the ability to do first person. Wait nvm I figured this out using a blastball system and a click to move system.

What’s 100% possible:
Overlaying a 2D pixel system on the screen using text (ontop the player) (text size of 6 + stacked could = pixels on the screen).

I mean, I’ve coded this in 2 different ways in python, so (hopefully) this won’t be too bad. I’m more worried about limits due to the inability for text new lines (though I might have found a workaround? I need to test more).

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You use multiple text devices for the new line.

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what’s the point of the poll if there is just one option?


no one knows :skull:

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it’s a mystery, just like those forest dwellers
images - 2024-02-16T123230.812


No that won’t work well since it would take ALOT of text devices at size 6 font (like 200 * whatever screen size multiplier from gimkit to pc screen in). I had the idea of using a forced character to get the textline to continue (a bit of a glitch I found while working on the chess), but I haven’t tested it yet.


That’s what we all use, but with bigger text.

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The issue still comes down to accuracy. If your pixels are massive, you no longer have the ability to create 3D really, due to being unable to make a proper image using pixels. That’s the issue I intend to solve.


The best approach would probably be to make the best 3D renderer you can, then use every last bit of remaining memory to upgrade the display.

And don’t forget about the time aspect too- updating thousands of pixels isn’t something you can do fast.


Depends on the method of updating. Should be possible to emulate multiproccessing to speed it up.

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This reminds me of the CPU that was in progress by @Cavaire3D. Funny, he has 3D in his name. Anyways, this seems good to me, but I don’t have the maps to test it out.


I do, I would just need someone to simplify the process for me, 'cause I’m stupid and don’t understand anything.