3 Tips to Creating an Awesome Lobby [reply with more tips]

We all love to enter a fun creative lobby at the beginning of a game. And I know that most of us would love know how to build a cool lobby. Here are some tips to take into consideration:

  1. Think about the theam of your game. eg: if it were sci-fy you can use computers and infected props to make the atmosphere match up to your game. Here is cool among us lobby:

  2. Very the flooring. Flooring does not have to be somthing to be ignored and shoved in the backgound. Decorate your lobby by changing your flooring very now and then. Here is an example:

  3. Add easter eggs to your lobby from your game. Include litttle fun snipbits aboutt your game, and shoutouts to players. Here is a fun artical about that: How to add Easter Eggs to your maps! [Difficulty 🟩 or 2/10]

Happy Building!

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Thank you!


Nice guide!


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Thank you, @Magenta_Dragon!

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sure next time i will, tho this is an opinion poll

You can edit it and look what it says,

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thank you for the tip @WhereIsMyHat

Do you guys like this lobby?

Nice guide! I would say to utilize text, but I’m not the best at it myself. Maybe ask WolfTech for an example?

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  • don’t make it too big
  • memory is precious! don’t put too many features in the lobby otherwise you’d run out of memory before you’re done with the map

yep so true @eiqcrmeliutgwhc

Add instructions on how to play the game, or a description of it.


nah, that should be once the host has officially started the game

and now time to work on science fair after 4 1/2 hours of procrastination


I like it! I’m not too keen on the random cinema flooring, but it still looks good. I would just change the flooring to make it more cohesive. Thanks for the tips!


It looks good! My tips would be to add interactive features to your lobby like teleporters. They work pre-game and can be used to make a simple teleport/chance feature in your lobby. Also, make terrain on different layers, as the cinema carpet looks quite blocky because it’s on the same layer as the wood floor. Overall, nice job!


Nice guide!

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Please update this guide to include how to create a lobby that works. What devices did you use? How do you set them up correctly? Currently, this is just a quick guide showing how to design a lobby. That’s not nearly as useful as a guide that teaches people how to make a functional lobby. And if a guide like that already exists, then this one isn’t necessary. Also, please remove the poll.